How I Can Help You Buy

Buying Help

When buying a home, you need an agent to represent your best interest in probably the largest financial decision you've made. I help you find the best homes available that really fit your needs and budget, so that you can make the best choice!

How I Help You Sell

Selling Help

Marketing your home today takes special skills. I take great care to research the marketplace, to help you arrive at just the right price to ask for your property. This will attract other agents with their buyer clients to get you the best offer.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Let's Get Together!

Hi! I'm Karina Baptista. I'm proud to say that I love what I do! Having lived in the Washington DC metropolitan area for the past 18 years, this has helped me to be more knowledgeable about the entire area and it's real estate market. My real estate experience and licensure extends throughout Northern Virginia and Maryland.

What makes me different from many other real estate agents? I really listen to you! I try to understand your real estate needs and wants to help you make the best decisions. Whether you are buying or selling, I put my expert knowledge to use into structuring a great real estate transaction for you!

Need a quick house price comparison between cities like Falls Church, McLean, Fairfax or Vienna? Questions about schools in Burke, Fairfax, Oakton, or Reston, and how they compare to Alexandria or Arlington? You can even customize your home search right here to find homes specific to your needs and wants.

When you're ready to buy or sell, dont hesitate to call or email me and let's get together to discuss your Northern Virginia and Maryland real estate needs!


Hola soy Karina Baptista. Me siento orgullosa de decir que me gusta hacer lo que hago! He estado viviendo los pasados 18 años aqui en el area metropolitana de Washington ;esto me ha servido mucho para conocer mejor el area. Mi experiencia en bienes y raices y licencia se extiende a todo el Norte de Virginia y Maryland.

Lo que me hace diferente de otros agentes de bienes y raices es que realmente me gusta escuchar y entender sus necesidades, que es lo que desean en cuanto a bienes y raices; de esta manera yo puedo ayudar a que tome las mejores decisiones ya sea comprando o vendiendo su casa. Yo brindo mi conocimento y experiencia de bienes y raices para poder estructurar una transaction favorable para usted!

Si necesita hacer comparaciones de precios de casas entre ciudades como Fairfax o Vienna, preguntas de escuelas de Fairfax o Falls Church, o precios de casas que sean especificas a sus necesidades todo esto lo puede encontrar desde aqui!

Cuando usted este listo para comprar o vender solo llameme o envieme un correo electronico y nos reunimos para tratar sus necesidades de bienes y raices en Virginia o Maryland.

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Market Trend Reports

Market Trend Reports

How's the real estate market in Northern Virginia right now?

Homes For Sale In Fairfax VA

Popular Northern Virginia Communities

Browse through currently available homes in different Northern Virginia communities and let me go to work for you.

Alexandria VA homes


Arlington VA homes


Burke VA homes


Centreville VA homes


Fairfax VA homes


Falls Church VA homes

Falls Church

Herndon VA homes


McLean VA homes


Reston VA homes


Springfield VA homes


Sterling VA homes


Vienna VA homes


Realtor-Equal Housing